Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Christmas 365 – Day 45 (Feb 14) to Day 54 (Feb 23)

I’m going to whine for a little bit.  My life has exploded and I have become very, very busy.  I have many different projects brewing at work and more and more opportunities are coming my way that I must develop.  At home, there is hardly time for anything selfish like blogging…plus we have been dealing with some pretty heavy emotional stuff that just seems to drain the energy away.  My immediate family is wonderfully good, thank God…but God is shifting us into another season and as such, we have had to say good-bye to certain things…and good-byes are never an easy thing to deal with.

Despite these issues, the Christmas spirit has been operating.  On Valentines, two thoughtful things happened.  One my doing and the other not.  I baked brownies for our surrounding neighbors.  I cut them into bite-size squares and placed them within mini cupcake liners – half double chocolate and the other half German chocolate.  They were much appreciated!   Then Pat surprised me by arranging for a babysitter so he and I could go to dinner.  This was a surprise because we always celebrate an un-Valentines Valentine.  Regardless – it was nice.  We went to a little hole-in-the-wall restaurant close to home called Aladin’s Grill where you can have some very yummy Mediterranean food.  We were the only ones there other than the family that owns the restaurant.  They were all sitting together at a table sharing a meal, laughing and talking about love.  The children were giggling and the adults were smiling and it was wonderful to watch.  The service was great and everything was lovely and then as Pat and I were finishing our meal, the Mom (our waitress/hostess) came over with two small plates containing some orange cake she had baked, a chocolate bonbon and a chocolate candy that she had served from her family’s table.   I don’t know why that brought tears to my eyes.  I was so happy and grateful for such a tiny gesture…but that she would be thoughtful enough to slice some cake and arrange it with some candies for us…so that we could be part of their celebration, too…  The children, grandparents and friends watched her…and they watched our happy reaction…and it was totally the Christmas spirit operating on Valentine’s…  It was simply beautiful.

Then - amidst other tiny, thoughtful things - last Friday stands out as special for the Christmas spirit.  I and three other friends were on our way to a ladies retreat and as we were zooming down IH-10 East, we passed an old man with white hair leaning down on a cane...he was off the access road and not walking...just leaning on his cane.  Only two of us saw him...and we quickly tried to figure out whether or not we should turn back and check on him as he clearly looked to be homeless.  After a couple of minutes, we decided to turn around and pass him to see if he looked to be in trouble.  As we approached him slowly, we realized that he looked very, very tired.  We passed him and pulled off to the side where he couldn't see us.  We talked about what we should do and we decided that we would pull together some cash and also offer him a ride...and that is what we did.  His name is Ken and he is 69 years old.  He only carries his cane and a Bible...and the odd thing about him is that he smelled of the earth instead of a more unpleasant aroma.  We gave him a ride to the next gas station which happened to have a restaurant.  He said he was on his way to Houston and he had been walking the Texas highways since he was 18 because his parents had died and he didn't know what else to do with himself.  We gave him the cash and offered to pray with him....and that was that.

Although I have engaged in other thoughtful things, those two are my favorites in this time that I haven't blogged.  Two days ago, during rush hour traffic, I found myself listening to worship music as I often do in the morning...and I was beating myself up about how I start things but have a hard time following through.  I was upset and stressed...and feeling inadequate and just thinking about negative things, real or perceived, about myself...and then it's funny how God can speak to you in songs.

The songs that played were all about how oftentimes He doesn't want us to DO anything for Him, He just wants us to spend time with Him...because He loves us...and thinks we are beautiful and interesting...and I began to cry because I realized that in my rushing around like a crazy chicken, oh-so-worried about not being able to get everything done...I was missing the point...

The point of the blog is to share my journey as I try to live the Christmas spirit every day...and a huge part of the Christmas spirit is joy...and when you stop experiencing joy because you feel you gotta just get it are once again falling away from the Christmas spirit and living more like the world...and less like Jesus.

I'm glad He reminded me of those things...  I can stop beating myself up now...and stop feeling inadequate.  I am perfect in His sight...even with all my junk, He loves me...and all of you guys, too.  He wants us to walk alongside Him...and share our journeys with Him...when they are joyful...and most especially when they're tough.

If you are not experiencing joy in your life, I encourage you to take an inventory and see what the things are that are truly worth your time so that you can let go of those things that aren't.  It isn't always an easy process but I think the reward at the end is invaluable.  Maybe we need to let go of TV or the Internet or trashy books.  Perhaps we need to spend more time with our significant other or children or family or friends.  I don't know...  But I do know that within each of us live dreams and desires that we probably squash in favor of other things that in thoughtful consideration are probably not all that gratifying.

This blog is important to me...and I have to cut myself a break - that between a full-time job and a housefhold with young children, I may not get to blog every day as I desire...but I'm going to promise that I'm not giving up on this journey...because when I post a posting - it brings me great joy...and it's worth it to me as this is important in my life.

I pray you each find something just as gratifying that is uniquely yours and brings a smile to your face...that when you finish, you can think to yourself, "well done."

Until tomorrow (I hope!)....    Annie

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