Sunday, June 12, 2011

Adrenaline, Angels and Favor

I know that many people have gone before me in terms of having to moving quickly and drastically from place to place.  I have heard stories, many of them, and from most - they are still alive to tell the I know I will survive, too.  Can I just say that this is hard?

Everything seems to be happening so fast and yet things are getting done...but it is exhausting and my body isn't cooperating.  For example, as I write this, it is 5:49 a.m. and I have been awake since 5:11 a.m. after having gone to bed a bit past midnight...and I have this crazy amount of adrenaline coursing through my body.  Yesterday, I awoke at 6:17 a.m...after having gone to bed late...and I just can't seem to stop that darn adrenaline.  This has been the pattern since about last Sunday.  Long, work-intensive days followed by very little sleep. 

It is no doubt a case of fight or flight...and in my case - the answer is "yes" to both.

So, so many loose ends to tie up.  So, so many details I cannot overlook.  So I live by lists.  And in the midst of it all, God sends His angels to watch over me and my family.  Thank you, Lord.

It started the first day Pat was in Washington, D.C. when my neighbor, Heather, let herself into my home while I was at work to help me finish painting my kitchen cabinets.  She repeated this pattern last week.  She would go for a walk in the morning and then let herself into my home to help me clean and prep the surfaces that need paint.  I have confirmation from her that she will be my helping this coming week as well.  I never asked her for this help - she just stepped in because she knows I need help - and can I say how much I appreciate her?

Then there is my other neighbor, Jeannette, who despite the fact she has four children of her own, stepped in and offered to pick up Liam from preschool last week when I had three kids in three camps while working full-time and trying to get my daughter to a swim meet by 5 p.m.  Jeannette is notorious for being there when someone needs help...and she, too, just quietly swoops in and just helps in any way she can.  She is a calming force of goodness...and I'm grateful to her.

Lauren came and spent some time with me while Pat was gone and I was an angry, overwhelmed thing.  I really felt out of control...and so she came and was just company...and I so needed to know that I wasn't alone and that things truly would be okay...and she did that for me.

Then I will throw a shout-out to Greg and Emily, longtime friends, who know that Pat and I don't have a lot of time to spend with the children because we are working so intensely to get the house they come pick up the children so the children can have fun...and then they offer us dinner yesterday and it is such a HUGE blessing not to have to worry about dinner for my family.  The food was fantastic, the conversation better...and they offered us lunch today...and dinner this next coming week if we will just call to let them know we'd like to come over...and please...don't worry about anything they say.  Wow.

Our other friend Christie is coming over today to escort the children to our neighborhood pool...and so many others have offered help.  To me - they are all angels and I need every one of them.

So despite the crazy, frenetic, slightly overwhelming state of being - I know God is near.  During this time, I have also experienced extreme instances of favor that make me smile and say, Thank you, Lord.  My favorite one invloved my wanting to get a haircut at the Aveda Institute.  I called to make an appointment on Thursday knowing that it was such short notice that I probably wouldn't get in to a senior stylist for a while.  After discussing options with the receptionist, I was disconnected and as I was going into a meeting, I couldn't call back until later in the afternoon.  So I called and yes - I couldn't get in with a senior...or a junior for a while but they had plenty of sophomore stylists.  So I think - well, it's Aveda and they are all highly trained so sure, let's go with a sophomore.  As the young lady is scheduling me, she informs me that she has scheduled me with a senior as a cancellation just came in.  YAY!  I now have a haircut that I love.  Thank you, Lord! 

I know that last is rather a petty example...but to me - it lets me know that what is important to me is important to the Lord...and so I feel that here and there, He let's me know He's watching out for me and my family.  

I'm going to sign off now as I need to add to my to-do list as I have remembered some other things I don't want to I really, really need some coffee.

I've been asked if I am excited by the upcoming move...and the truth is, I haven't really had a chance to catch my breath much less process the magnitude of the change that is coming.  I am just putting one foot in front of the other and working through my to-do lists...but I can say that through this all...I am excited to be loved and taken care of by my friends...I appreciate them...I love them...and I'm grateful for being alive at such a time as this so I can use Facebook to remain close to them!!  :)

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