Thursday, June 2, 2011

Christmas 365 Changes to a New Adventure (Alaska - Day 1)

It has been a very long time since I have written.  Christmas 365 turned out to be an incredibly difficult undertaking to say the least as living with intention when working full-time and parenting full-time and running a house full-time is also part of your life.  I have still tried to live with intention...but I have a confession to make.

Early this year, I was diagnosed with what the doctors believed to be benign tumors...which really freaked me out because I had some removed in the Fall.  And the doctors thought they were benign but there is never a guarantee until you have the growths removed.  I went into an introspective mode and had many conversations with God.  About life...about healing...about feeling unworthy of good things.  So I didn't blog...because I went into a "me" mode and it's hard to think about others when you're thinking about yourself, you know?

Then one day I heard in my brain that I was healed of those growths and although I disbelieved what I came to pass anyway.  And so began this weird need/desire to trust in the Lord and to really understand what that means...not just in theory...but in real-life application.  If I believed in could I not believe in everything that He stands for in His word?

Not too much later - Pat opened up a discussion about applying for a promotion position called a Hearing Office Director (HOD)...with the caveat that we would probably have to move to "anywhere USA" if he got this job...  So I agreed that he should look and apply...and so he did.

One day he lets me know that a HOD position is available in Anchorage, Alaska and what do I think about this.  At first blush - I get very excited.  I think it would be a great adventure and opportunity for our family.  I think it would be great to get the heck out of dodge and go see some new sights.  I think it is the perfect time considering the children's ages.  I think he should absolutely try...and so he does.  And throughout the whole process - we both feel really good within our spirits that this is right and proper...that we will indeed move and that this is what the Lord wants for us.  We talk to the children and they are equally excited...and everything is peachy.  So Pat applies and a week later he gets notice that he has made "the best qualified list" which means he qualifies for the job and is in the running for it.  We smile...  Then about two weeks later, he gets a call for an interview...and we smile.  He knocks the interview out of the ballpark and I think, "how can he not get the job?  He's the best!  He is the most qualified!  They just couldn't pass him up!"

And then the waiting began in earnest to see if it would come to pass.  Meanwhile our oldest child is convinced that we are going...and Pat and I still feel really good about it...but none of it was really real...until today.

Today we got word that they have offered him the position...and he accepted...and so within about six short weeks, we will be gone...  Gone to a new environment, a new people...and a new way of life.  And now I'm not so sure about things but it is too late.  And so to make this all bearable and to not feel so lonely for everything that I know...I want to bring you guys into this journey.

Will you come to Alaska with me?

I'm tired and overwhelmed right now.  We need to get our home ready to sell.  That is A LOT of work!  I need to give notice at my job and reconcile the million details on my plate there...and that is A LOT of work.  Pat is leaving this Sunday for two weeks of training and I will be alone with the three kids as I'm trying to sort through things...and that is A LOT of work.  I feel the need to research Anchorage neighborhoods and schools and possible places to live - oh, yeah - and work (!)...and that is A LOT of work.  Then I feel my tired body and I just want to sleep.

I know things will work out better than I expect - because I know that I know that God is all over this.  But for now I'm just tired.  Tomorrow is another day...and I just want to know that I will continue to have this link with my friends and family even if I happen to be writing 4500 miles away from everyone.

I think this will truly be the adventure of a lifetime!    Annie

1 comment:

  1. Annie,

    I am delighted for you and your family and I am certain God has a great adventure in store for you all. Please know I am always around... just shoot me a message and I will respond. I will always consider you guys friends even though we have all gone out in different directions, led by God, to do His work. Be blessed my friend, because you and your family are such a blessing to so many.

    with love,
